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Hobbyboss Easy Kit Typhoon out in Japan

Matt Roberts

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Just remember it's an easy kit....doubt it'll replace the RoG kit in anyones hearts. No weapons, few pylons, but as an easy build for younger modellers ok, or if the price is right shelf fodder to soak up all those spare decals from the RoG kits and Whiffery may benefit from them. US Price probably mid-$20s as the yen price is 2600 and my rule of thumb is 100 yen to the dollar. What it'll be on that side of the pond :shrug:

One Luftwaffe and one RAF per boxing.

Single Seater...


Single Seater instructions


Two Seater


Two Seater Instructions


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As you say Matt, its an easy-build, its not supposed to be an all-out replacement for the excellent Revell Typhoon, and if it arrives in the UK with the £3.99 tag on the Hannants site,

I'll certainly bag a number, they look like a great way of filling out the squadrons.

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Thanks for posting those links Matt. At 4 quid you can't really go wrong - especially if you combine them with a Revell Tiffie for the decals and weapons. 12 quid for 2 kitted out Typhoons - Bargain!!!

Will be very interested to see how they go together. I'm just finishing a Revell Typhoon and the tooling appears to be deteriorating *fast*.

Like you say, ideal whiff fodder - that's what my first one will be :evil_laugh:

Oh and check it out!!! The missing inboard pylon!!!!!!!!!! :party:

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Thanks for posting those links Matt. At 4 quid you can't really go wrong - especially if you combine them with a Revell Tiffie for the decals and weapons. 12 quid for 2 kitted out Typhoons - Bargain!!!

Will be very interested to see how they go together. I'm just finishing a Revell Typhoon and the tooling appears to be deteriorating *fast*.

Like you say, ideal whiff fodder - that's what my first one will be :evil_laugh:

Oh and check it out!!! The missing inboard pylon!!!!!!!!!! :party:

Sadly Nev, I don't think it is - it seems the standard inboard pylon, the "missing" one sits in line with the outer flap fairing. Still, any pylons are good as it means using up all the spare stores in the Revell kit.

Have to agree about the state of the Revell mouldings though - my recent one has flash and sink marks that weren't there before. I can only hope that its a QC issue with the mouldings rather than the tooling starting to wear out.

Still, you could make an RAF version from the Revell kit and then use all the left over decals and stores to make a Austrian, German, Italian or Spanish one from the HB! How cool is that!

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A nice quick build for a squadron of Typhoons and of course all the what ifs possibilites.

Lets hope the price does not change because to the economic climate


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I hate to be the cynic, but I think it will retail at £11.99 along with the other Hobby Boss jets, which will make it more expensive than the RoG offering. If it does retail at £3.99, I'll be at the head of the queue to fill my loft!

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I hate to be the cynic, but I think it will retail at £11.99 along with the other Hobby Boss jets, which will make it more expensive than the RoG offering. If it does retail at £3.99, I'll be at the head of the queue to fill my loft!

They're listed at £3.99 on Hannants website.....which does seem ridiculously cheap! But hey ho - in for a penny.......

Now all we need is a four quid Easy kit Lightning F1/F1a/F2/F3!!!! :elephant:

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Anybody know the average timescale of a kit like this appearing in the far east, to being readily available in the UK ?

Well - they reckon the boat takes about six weeks to work its way across the world - so probably by the end of September/early October ???

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They're listed at £3.99 on Hannants website.....which does seem ridiculously cheap! But hey ho - in for a penny.......

Good news & bad news..... according to both Hannants and Creative Models they'll be here in 3 weeks, unfortunately the rrp will be £9.99, so i guess people will still go for the Revell option ?


Edited by Dave T
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Mmmmm, looks like my plan to equip my Typhoon squadrons will undergo a defence spending review! I'll get one anyhow, but not the eight I had in mind!


...ditto, time to bring out the F-16's again !

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I couldn't see it being 3.99 somehow!

9.99 does render it fairly pointless unless you value speed of build above detail and stores...

Depends on if the Revell moulds continue to detoriorate - short shots and thick, heavy flash are already obliterating detail. The one I just finished even had a hole in the windscreen. The nose gear had such thick flash that getting it off the sprue all but broke it in two - and as soon as the model was stood on it, it did.

But yes, a tenner for a supposed "quick build" kit is a bit steep. Especially going up against the Revell decal sheet and stores.

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HBs pricing policy does seem a bit odd, you'd think that if they were offering Easy Builds a level up from the entry level stuff (a bit like Airfix Series 2 or Matchbox Orange Range), then maybe a couple of quid more, say £5.99 for the Typhoons, but double? And more expensive than the Revell kit with fewer parts?

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Does seem a bit steep bearing in mind what you get in the Revell boxing. Saying that I seem to recall the Revell kit was in the order of £11.99 when it first came out? I'll be grabbing an HB one just to see how it builds up, but you never know, they might have some weapons sets in the offing? A decent (i.e. low cost) source of ASRAAMs would be nice - especially since I used my last lot on a whif FAA Rafale F2!


Rob M.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, three weeks has passed since i last enquired where the Typhoon's are. Just rang Hannants and it transpires the boat has docked, container unloaded and lorry is due either today or tomorrow. They hope to be shipping orders by Saturday.


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