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Posted (edited)

Well, I'm not really productive regarding aircrafts these days.

Many boxes open, started, and then shut, don't really know why.

I'll try to make things change, with that kfir, haseg's 1/72:


OOB, with only a few scratch (In the pit mainly).

And I'll use the latest kfir decal sheet from Isradecal, for a C2 with an early camo.


And here is the result of an afternoon work:


A putty cushon, a stretched sprue eject handle, and alu belts(Still from a white cheese box lid!).


Edited by Antoine

Hi Antoine

It's quite an interesting subject you are making. Your E/S is nice.

This Kfir should be a good companion for the two AML Mirage IIIC I have just bought, including the one with the long recce nose.



Hello Patrick.

Thanks about the E/S, anyway I can't do much more with my sausage's like fingers!

I've got also AML's Tsniut.

But I'll keep it for latter!


Looking forward to this Antoine! Will you add underbody pylons too? If you do, I'll need some ideas ;)

BTW, the Kfirs inherited some of the long noses from the Mirages :)


Martin, I'm still wondering about the load.

I only know that it will not be a pure fighter, with missile and fuel tanks.

I'm thinking about missiles (Those of the box, Shafrir???) on the external hardpoints, some CBU on TER on the internals, and a fuel tank on the centerline.

I've many references books about the kfir (Most of them from Isradecals), but there are notmany pics of the aircraft with an A/G load.

In fact, most of them show some clan kfir.


There are some pictures in IsraDecals Kfir in IAF Service book. None of them, as far as I recall, show Shafrirs, it's either Sidewinders or Python III. Several different bombloads shown :)


Got the book, as well as the 101 sqn history.

I'm sorry, I can't really differentiate shafrir from a winder...

Got the book, as well as the 101 sqn history.

I'm sorry, I can't really differentiate shafrir from a winder...

How is the 101sqn history book? Been thinking of getting it myself :)

Not read it yet, but I think you'll not be disappointed if you get it.

A quite big book with hard jacket, full of photographs (More than full, and 80% of them unknown to this day for most of us non-Israeli).

A few color profiles at the end, with the squadron's scoreboard, and the losses also.

Don't hesitate if you've more precise question, and I'll have a closer look.

Also got the last one, 1st volume about the six days war.


The show is going on ( :analintruder: ):

Don't throw any stone at me, but despite the fact that I've more than enough documentaition on the subjetct, I've deceded to follow my imagination to "dress" the pit (My sausage-like fingers don't allow me to built a perfect 1/72 kfir pit anyway).


The main work, with also the U/C and the wings.


Left side of the pit, with the throttle and a few box/wires.


The same on the right side.

Going on to paint it!


In the end, I've decided to build a C1, #709 from the Hornet sqn, in 1977.

So I'll have to make a few modifications.


The air intakes, with the tool needed.


I've just erased the base of the canards. Nothing really frightening, there's enough plastic under to work with the Dremel.

Got now to glue a small plastic foil and then some putty.


I have also to drill the DEFA, to have a more realistic look.


Done. I'll have to add the DEFA tube, and remake the deflector with copper wire.


I've cleaned the intakes, and then glued (A la cyano) in place a little alu foil (You know, my famous alu foil from a white cheese box cap):


Then it was time for putty, after protecting the surrouding:



I've just rebuild the gun deflector under the air intake.

A bit of copper wire shaped on a dremel drill:



Look a little bit average in macro, but I think it'll look fine once finished.


The air intakes were painted white:


And then, glued to the fuselage, closely followed by the wings:


Anyway, there's still a lot of work to do before begining to paint:

- Sand all the seal (Intakes/fuselage, wing/fuselage, etc...)

- Sand the intakes to give them their final shape, after removing the canard's place.

- And then, rescribe the whole aircraft, as I've just found that all the secondary structure lines are rised...

Still a long way to go.



Looking good Antoine! Remember to remove the dogtooth from the wing leading edge, the C1 only had a saw-cut there.


Well, I thought at first that I only have to cut the "teeth", but no way.

I have to add some material.

Got to think about.

Again, Martin, a big thanks!

I owe you a pack of Carlsberg!


Again, Martin, a big thanks!

I owe you a pack of Carlsberg!


Feck no, let me have a proper beer! Stella Artois preferably ;)

Better go for some Belgian beers!

:lol: yeah! I prefer beers where I don't get a headache after drinking ½ a bottle!
  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Dave.

It's will be a good preparation for the cheetah that I've in my stash (Italeri + Spinners conversion, 1/72)

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