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RQ-4B Global Hawk (1:48 SkunkModel)


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Two hours on EasyJet is bad enough, I suppose...
Having travelled to the US twice now, I couldn't bear any more than 7 hours sat in a seat.


Under new EU flight time limitations it looks like we might be capable of sitting in the seat for 15 hours at one go - with the new long-range stuff being churned out by Airbus and Boeing, I think the 20-hour non-stop London-to-Sydney flight will soon be a reality.

On the other hand - I can't wait for the civvie version of a full-size RPV airliner to be released - I quite fancy working from home :sleeping:

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On the other hand - I can't wait for the civvie version of a full-size RPV airliner to be released - I quite fancy working from home :sleeping:

You can imagine the aircrash investigation... Reason for crash. Postman at door. :owww:

I've just primed the wings to see where I need to do a bit of tidying - took a whole 10mls of paint, and I swear they look longer now they're painted :hmmm:

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You can imagine the aircrash investigation... Reason for crash. Postman at door. :owww:

Thanks for that, I've just spat my drink over my laptop! spew.gif

As for the build so far... 10.gif

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Great build Mike, I would second the idea of displaying the thing with a figure or two. If ever there was a case for illustrating the scale of a model then this is it.


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With a wingspan of 83cm and fuselage just over 30cm - about the same length as a 1:48 F-16, and same wingspan of a Herc in the same scale, that would be one impressively sized board! :lol:

Still... with the wings demountable, the board would just be a flattish sheet, so still quite storable :hmmm:

I could also employ my dad's carpentry skills to make a combined storage box/base with a flippable lid... pipe dreams! :lol:

Thanks for that, I've just spat my drink over my laptop! spew.gif

As for the build so far... 10.gif

Sorry :blush: and thanks ^_^ in that order ;)

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83cm! :lol: The cutting of the slots in the wings makes the job so much easier though - you could even display it with one wing off to save a bit of space ;)

Yes, 83cm. I really wanted this kit, but the size is holding me back.

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Yes, 83cm. I really wanted this kit, but the size is holding me back.

I bet you say that to all the boys ;) With a name like Bill BigBoy, I think you could stand the length... afterall, it's a piece of cake to convert it so the wings come off :)

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Tail feathers installed, and the majority (99%) of the fill & sanding done. Just a few sensors, blade antennae and the landing gear to work on now, then we can slap a bit of paint on :)


I cut off the pitot probes on the leading edges of the tails, as one had already been damaged, and I can get a crisper, stronger result using some scale calibre tubing and brass wire. there are also a two small aerials/static wicks near the tips of the wings and tails that aren't provided in the kit, although small lumps are present in the correct locations. I'll probably add some toothbrush bristles at the end of the build, like I did recently on my F-16E.

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Ooh yah! :frantic:

everyone that's seen it with the wings on has gasped something, usually profane, at the size of it (fnerk!). Not long 'til I can get some paint on now though :)

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I finally got things to a decent state of smoothness, and gave the fuselage an overall coat of Lifecolor Dark Grey (FS 36118), followed by a coat of Klear to protect it from handling. I also masked up the top "radome" and the sensor blisters that run under the wings, giving them a subtly different shade of the grey mentioned earlier. I plan on doing some more patches of differing shades to match the photo refs I have, but I think I'll let the Klear dry overnight, as a bit lifted on the side of the fuselage. Those are the bits that look slightly mottled - they've just not got any Klear over the touchups. :)


I've noticed that the panels dotted along the side seem to get a bit mucky with handling from the ground crew, so I'll try and replicate that down the line :)

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This is looking great, I knew they were big but did not realise just how big they are, you certainly cannot tell from the photos.

As to long range flying well as long as you are in Business class it's fine, we never had a problem, 8 hours Sydney to Singapore, then 14 hours Singapore to Manchester, not fun but bearable in Business class.



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Cheers Den ^_^

Trying to decide whether the wings are actually white, as per the instructions, or some kind of Gull or Ghost Grey :hmmm: Anyone got any suggestions? :)

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Looks like someone crossed Geiger's alien with a stealth fighter :o

Not sure which sandbank I've had my head buried in but I've never seen this aircraft before !

Nice work Mickles...whatever the hell it is :S

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I don't think that was a sandbank matey ;)

It's a long winged spy plane - a modern day U-2, I guess? 35 hours loiter time over target - more here.

There is something Geigeresque about the forward fuselage, isn't there? Biomechanical in a way, and reminiscent of the "cowl" that is the upper part of the Alien's head. :hmmm: Wonder if the designers were fans?

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I've been looking at the fuselage parts and comparing them with the pics available on t'internet. Although the gross outline seems to have been captured pretty well, there seem to be a few panel lines that are either missing or in the wrong place.


The red squiggles are where a line needs removing, and the green ones are where I need to add a line. The raised area on the underside behind the wingroot also extends too far aft, so in an ideal world could do with adjusting, but as it's a complex shape and intersects with a large sensor blister, I think I might have to leave it :)

Hi Mike,

As always great job.

Sorry that it took until now to notice. I have the same kit, shelved at the moment.

But your build will no doubt inspire me to bring it back out I'm sure.

Don't know if you have had these same problems.

I have built to this point and a couple things I noticed.

1. The fuselage join from the intake forward does not have enough or any alignment tabs. So if not careful you end up

with a step along there. Gluing some tabs in place would be a good idea.

2. In the above pic. Below the engine nacelle at the top and bottom join, there is also not enough

alignment tabs there and more should be added. As the top wants to bend in.

Can't wait to see your wings attached.

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Hello chap - I didn't have any trouble with the alignment of the fuselage halves, but I seem to remember gluing strips of styrene along the join to make them stronger anyway, as I'm rather a ham-fisted sander :owww:

Anyhoo... the fuselage has revisited the paint shop, as I wasn't happy with the difference in color between the radome "cockpit" and the rest of the airframe. I've also dirtied up some of the access panels with Tamiya Smoke (perhaps too much? I'm undecided), and done a bit more differential painting here & there :)


I've also painted the wheel bays, wheels & gear struts white, ready for a light weathering.

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Hello Mike,

Ah, yes, coming along nicely; not easy to weather this alien's dil**o, but you really got it ....

Been reducing the gaps and steps on mine and I still have a good sanding session before painting; Did you decide wether the wings will be white or pale grey ? (whitey, is the way, me say) :wicked:

Best and cheers

Stef (#6)

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Ha! :lol:

So much for my plans of painting the wings :) Life intervenes... 2 trips to the hozzy - one planned, one unplanned, and I've only managed to get the decals on. They go down ok, but you need to use some more aggressive setting solution to get them to settle in. no dramas in putting them on, although as is often the case, some of the locations were a little vague.



I also spotted that the scissor links on main gear legs should point backwards, so swapped them over, sawed off the mounting pegs, reinforced them with brass rod, and re-installed them. The scissor link should then face the back, the retraction jack should attach to the front of the leg, and the "support" stay should be to the rear. Not a major fix, but in the interests of accuracy, one you can carry out pretty easily with a razor saw and a small diameter drill :)

Maybe tomorrow I'll get some paint on the wings... although saying that, I put some white primer on the top surface, so it wasn't a total pipe dream :pipe:

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I also spotted that the scissor links on main gear legs should point backwards, so swapped them over, sawed off the mounting pegs, reinforced them with brass rod, and re-installed them. The scissor link should then face the back, the retraction jack should attach to the front of the leg, and the "support" stay should be to the rear. Not a major fix, but in the interests of accuracy, one you can carry out pretty easily with a razor saw and a small diameter drill :)

Or maybe you just mixed the legs up? :doh::lol:

Not that I'm telling you how to build your model of course. You do what you need to do, it's your hobby. I'm just watching. :thumbsup2:

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