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Messerschmitt Bf109E-4

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I recently found the Cyber Hobby Messerschmitt Bf109E-4 cheap on the internet, and since I had read positive reviews of it I did not hesitate to buy it. After all, I was certain it would be better than the ancient Matchbox Bf109E I have in my stash.

Upon receiving the kit and digging into the box I wasn't disappointed. The mouldings look nice, the cockpit and engine looked well-detailed, and dry-fitting of some of the parts indicated a good fit.

So far most of my work on this kit has been centered around the cockpit. I have done a bit of work on the engine and the wings too though.

Last night I closed up the cockpit. I have made it OOB except for using a set of Rdu B.'s beautiful seat belts. They were, however, for a later version of the Bf109, so I had to modify them a bit. I pre-shaded the cockpit with black followed by Model Master RLM02. The instrument panel is painted RLM66, again using the MM version. Details have been picked out with MM and Humbrol paints, using a fine brush for the small text etc. All this was followed by a MiG dark brown wash. Btw, Cyber Hobby's painting guide lacks a lot to be desired, so I followed the pictures in Lynn Ritger's "The Messerschmitt Bf 109 - Part 1: Prototype to 'E' Variants".




I have yet to decide how to paint the model. :hypnotised:


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Thanks J.D.

I have come a little further today. The cockpit and instrumentpanel have been fitted inside the fuselage, and the fuselage has been closed up. The bottom of the fuselage has been fitted too, and the fit is great all way around. The white areas on top of the fuselage are reflections from the flash. I only used a wee bit of filler inside the fuselage aft of the cockpit.




The small air intake below the fuselage has been refined:


The tailplanes were fitted today, and they fit like hand in a glove. Unlike Hasegawa's 1/48th scale kits there is no doubt as to how the struts are fitted. :)

I started assembling one of the wings some time ago, and I proceeded with the other one today. For some reason - probably due to the moulding process - the inner lining of the main wheel well is cast in soft plastic. Luckily it's a kind of plastic that still reacts to Tamiya's Extra Thin cement. Once the wings have been assembled the kit will be almost ready to go to the paint booth!


I still haven't found out how to paint it though. It will possibly end up as a JG53 bird though. ;)


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That is looking mighty good so far. I am seriously tempted to get the Dragon Emil as the others (Trumpeter, Eduard & Matchbox) all have their problems.

Also, the plastic they use for the wheel well liner is Dragon's DS plastic. They use it in a lot of their armour kits for items that are better with a bit of flexibility in them. Tyres, jackets, tracks, e.t.c.

I'll be watching this with interest.


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Thanks Duncan.

The two wing mounted cannons have been painted flat black and dry brushed with gun metal.



Also, I modified the slat actuators. The ones on the left have been modified. I'm sorry for the slightly blurred picture.



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I am slowly making progress with my Bf109E. :)

Today I painted a lot of parts from this and other models RLM02. I painted both the insides and outsides of the cowling, and this evening I followed up with adding the red band, RLM65 on the lower areas and finally RLM71 mottling. It will all be more or less covered with white though.



One of the wings is also ready to be mounted on the fuselage. The canvas cover inside the wheel bay has been painted brown followed by a Mig-wash. The top of the bay received a pinwash with the same product too. The wash appears much more subtle IRL though.


The canopy was masked off the other day. I did this both inside and outside so that I can paint it all RLM66. Tonight I made a couple of handles for the windscreen - something that has not been included in the otherwise very well-detailed kit.


The last bits, although not part of today's work, are the coolers, MGs, rudder og elevators. Elevators etc. are all hinged and supposed to be working, but mine will be glued in place.




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looks epic, may well have to pull the trigger on this one and pick it up, such a great looking kit.

It sure it. That's why I bought one more of them. ;)

Was that not at Uncle Hermann's insistance that all aircraft be anonymous?


I don't know. I believe the removal of the Pik As badge had something to do with personal issues. After all, other unit were allowed to keep their badges.

Anyway, I got to paint a few bits and pieces yesterday: lower wing surfaces around the coolers, prop and spinner, rudder, tires, canopy etc.

The undercarriage is almost ready for final assembly. All I need is the brakes lines and some weathering.


The rudder was painted RLM65, RLM70 and RLM71 as a base for the white colour.


The lower surfaces of the wings.


Last but not least, the prop and spinner. The spinner will also be painted white later on.



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like i said this kit looks stunning is it up there with there 110? as i have that in my stash and it blows me away, if the quality is like that then i shall have to get one to compliment it. great work so far, any chance of a colour profile shot of the intended camo scheme?

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ah wow thats a great looking camo scheme your going for there, and if it shares the engine that im sure the quality will be the same...damn..another plane i need to get for my luft selection. will this plane appear is SAM at all?

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ah wow thats a great looking camo scheme your going for there, and if it shares the engine that im sure the quality will be the same...damn..another plane i need to get for my luft selection. will this plane appear is SAM at all?

No, I don't think it will. My only connection to SAM is through my father's subscription.


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Was that not at Uncle Hermann's insistance that all aircraft be anonymous?


The order was given to cover up the Pik As badge as the then Commadore was accused of having married into a Jewish family. The Unit retaliated by painting out the swastika on the tail. IIRC

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