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What scheme do you think would look best on this?


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Hi All

Yesterday I was working on the idea of converting some spare parts in my spares box which I was probably never going to use into a whole new aircraft. So, with several hours of time to spend on it and a rough idea of what I was making I built this weird aircraft-thing. Its made mainly from a Fuel tank off a 1/48 Hustler, the wings of a 1/48 F 105 that was scrapped by my dad, a 1/72 Tornado tail, the wheels off a 1/72 Concorde and half a canopy of an Airfix Harrier which I sort of successfully parted. Also scratchbult a nice cockpit and wheel well for it too

Heres the end result....





And the new aircraft next to my other weird project thing, plus another one which Ive started but need some wings for


Trouble is, I cant decide which scheme would be best for it. Firstly it was going to be some sort of Luft 46 plane, then I drew up two designs (which didnt really look like the end product) of a Russian and US Navy scheme, of which the latter was chosen.....then it went back to Luft 46, and now Im thinking a French 1950's prototype aircraft with overall silver and big roundels... :S

Would anyone like to suggest a scheme that you think would look good on it? :)

Or any comments about the build / my insanity for starting the build :D

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Hmmm...with the shoulder mounted intakes I think it has a 50's British prototype look to it. All over white maybe with low-vis roundels like a fighter version of the Victor?


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Hmmm...with the shoulder mounted intakes I think it has a 50's British prototype look to it. All over white maybe with low-vis roundels like a fighter version of the Victor?


I agree looks very british but personally l would go with raspberry ripple scheme it would go very nice with it.

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I kinda agree with the others.

The Bigger model (in the majority of the pics) needs to be 50's style Anti-Flash White... Incidentally... Where's the exhausts? :hmmm: Stealth?

The little one with the A-10 style mounted engines and the "V" tail would suit a 190/109 style mottle camo I think. Looks a bit like one of them many experimental Heinkels.

Edited by pte1643
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I do agree it looks very 50's British - there was a tendency to paint demonstrators in a single colour, or fairly conventional two-tone trim. Personally I'd go for either overall duck-egg blue or PRU blue (dolled-up for an attempt on the world speed record) or overall emerald green, or emerald green and cream\buff upper surfaces rather like earlier PR Canberras (in demarcation style - not suggesting Canberras were ever painted specifically thus...). It would also benefit to seek out the white-outlined roundels you might have seen on Black Arrows Hunters for use here, and topped-off with the yellow 'circle-P' Prototype marking.

Edited by The Velociweiler
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Looks like a load of British orientated ideas then. I could always do some profile drawings and have a go at different schemes on them

The Bigger model (in the majority of the pics) needs to be 50's style Anti-Flash White... Incidentally... Where's the exhausts? :hmmm: Stealth?

I did think about exhauts whilst making it, but as I couldnt remember the RF 84 having an exhaust, I decided to just go ahead with it anyway.....BUT.....now that Ive reminded myself where the exhausts are on that plane, I should probably look for a solution for my aircraft

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It's got a very Saunders Roe look about , so when you fit the exhausts how about a rocket motor as well, I also think this would look great in Anti-flash white finish.

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Well, Ive made some basic profile drawings of what the aircraft thing would look like in some of those schemes mentioned earlier, and heres what they could look like.....possibly..... :)


Weve got....

1) Overall plain silver airframe (squadron markings chosen as Im sure I will have some of those spare from my Italeri F 51)

2) Anti Flash White scheme with toned down roundels and tail fin markings

3) ETPS scheme - probably my favourite of the four

4) Royal Navy Dark blue over White scheme

Also got the problem of it having no exhaust(s) solved by adding two makeshift pieces from the spares box next to the undercarriage as that was the only place they'd fit properly. I havent a clue what they were from / used to be..... :shrug:


Dont know about everyone else thats commented so far, but I think the anti flash white scheme is one of the least best of those four...

Might do some more scheme pictures later :D

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That's a huge wing area! Some sort of high-altitude PR type maybe? Maybe another company (perhaps Saro, as mentioned above) came up with a better design than the Canberra, and this is what entered service? That leaves you nuclear bomber (strategic in anti-flash white, or tactical RAFG markings), recce, interdictor, etc. - or one of the the prototype/record breaker/race schemes.

It's a very attractive machine, regardless of the scheme you decide on. :thumbsup:

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I'll echo the notion that it has that British 50s look to it.

It looks too much like a fighter for the white anti flash that some are suggesting.

I think it would look perfect as a RAFG aircraft with green/grey camo over silver undersides. I could easily see your creation rolling out of a HAS unit in Gutersloh or someplace similar.

Conversely, I think it would look just as good as a home based RAF machine in overall high speed silver.

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I'll echo the notion that it has that British 50s look to it.

It looks too much like a fighter for the white anti flash that some are suggesting.

I think it would look perfect as a RAFG aircraft with green/grey camo over silver undersides. I could easily see your creation rolling out of a HAS unit in Gutersloh or someplace similar.

Conversely, I think it would look just as good as a home based RAF machine in overall high speed silver.

I didnt really like the idea of the white scheme either really, much better as a silver aircraft. The Green and Grey camoflague could be a good one to try in profile form

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It's a very attractive machine, regardless of the scheme you decide on. :thumbsup:

Thats quite strange really as after the fuselage and wings were on, I was literally looking through my spares box and sticking on pretty much anything that might look good! :D

Can only decide on one scheme though because I dont have / shouldnt be getting anymore 1/48 F 105 wings or B 58 fuel tanks!

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  • 3 months later...
Well, Ive made some basic profile drawings of what the aircraft thing would look like in some of those schemes mentioned earlier, and heres what they could look like.....possibly..... :)


I like the British 50's idea, possibly a Supermarine Scimitar development?

A large 809 Sqn. phoenix badge on the tail would look nice, either in EDSG/White or in anti-flah white overall.

Otherwise, moving to more recent days, an Admiral's Barge white over bright green could look the part :-) .


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I thought Scimitar from the side profile

but from the nose I did wonder "Yakolev?"

Im still not too sure as to what scheme would look best on it....must say I was thinking of the all over silver one really - might look pretty good with high vis roundels. Probably wouldnt do a Navy aircraft as in reality, it might be a bit big for a carrier aicraft- its got a wingspan much larger than a 1/72 Phantom

At the moment, I havent done anything to it since posting here last, it just sits on my restoration shelf along with other projects and salvaged kits awaiting a scheme:


By the way, if anyone was interested; the black aircraft in the foreground is my latest scrapyard build made from a D-21 drone that my dad didnt want from his SR 71 kit so I built it as a funny aircraft thing :D Its got a nice Russian scheme planned, like this:


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