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P-47D Thunderbolt "Mike" (CBI theatre)

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Hi all,

as I've promised, here is the progress on next kit after the Mustang mk.III ..... I will use most of plastic parts straight of the box as they are more than excelent quality. The only resin stuff are Ultracast wheels, nothing else is necessary as tamiya did a really great job on this kit. But in the other hand, I've decided not to use any of Tamiya's decals as they wont look nice on NMF surface finish. Marking will be airbrushed with the help of Montex super mask and stencils applied from Hobby decal dry transfers sheet. I've finished cockpit so far and starting to work on engine assembly....hopefully,you'll see the next pictures soon.

Thanks for looking :winkgrin:








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oohhh been looking for a P-47 kit for the STGB later this year - seriously tempted.........

and as for you work - it'll do ;-) jokig - stunning cockpit there

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your cockpit is a thing of beauty, very impressed, what green did you use?

I have tried to match original Dull dark green shade by mixing colors as they originally did in WWII....DDG is basically a mix of Bronze green and Black so I've used Gunze GSI C colors to make it the same way.

To Martin Dytrych: I know you're always watching.....no mistake can be concealed under your "microscope" eyes :)))

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What a great start!

Your photography is also top notch... What camera are you using?


Thanks......my camera is Fuji Finepix 8100fd, but still learning how to use it's settings and also trying to find suitable lighting condition.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Engine assembly finally done....I have used OOB engine and added plug wiring with some extra pipes to represent R-2800 engine. Now going to glue wings and fuselage separately so there is better access for a riveting wheel. Joining the wings and fuselage will be the last operation after rivets are done.

Cheers Ludek




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Thanks Rob....hope it will come out as I want it but it will be a long track run. Have only a few hours per week which I can spend on modelling. Please be patient ;)

thats ok - take all the time you need.... i found if I slow down i work better (plus only have a few hours a week myself so anything more than OOB does take its time,......

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks to all for your comments :) Now,some progress after a long time.....all comments or critics is more than welcome.

I've painted wheel wells, they are excellent straight of the box so nothing more than a few wires was necessary. Wing is not glued to fuselage yet so some wires are not joined to fuselage part and may look odd.



Fuselage with added rivet lines...




Cowling done...


And just started on riveting wings which will be the most challenging part....sooooo many rivets to be done :)


Thanks for looking :)

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