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EA-6B Prowler Electronic Equipment (Kinetic)

1:48 Eduard


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This set is designed for the newly released EA-6B Prowler from Kinetic (reviewed here). From the set you can build up the electronics bay that swings out of the fuselage underside just in front of the arrestor hook. You get parts to build up the framework, which is quite complex and will require some careful folding, so it's probably best that you have some tools on hand to accomplish this task. The racks inside have three electronics "black boxes" that mount vertically in the extended position.

To fit the set you will need to cut the corresponding panel out of the underside of the kit, with the bay hanging from its mounting points. While the bay covers the majority of this hole, the determined viewer will still be able to see inside the fuselage, but there is nothing provided to detail the inside of the fuselage in this set. careful research and some scratch building would be your only recourse if you are determined to fill the gap. The completed assembly looks impressively detailed, and will do much to make your Kinetic Prowler stand out from the crowd.

The instruction sheet is printed in black and white on this set, so the modeller may have difficulty in telling which parts to remove, replace or fill. If in doubt, follow the link at the bottom of this review for the online color version.

View the instructions here and some great pictures of the built up set here.


It's a nice set but not for those as yet uninitiated in the vagaries of Photo-Etched metal bending. It would have been nice to include some basic bulkheads and a few photos of the inside of the bay for the scratch builders, but for 99% of us, the set adds a little extra visual interest to the model, and is well worth the effort. Recommended to advanced modellers and those wishing to push their PE skillset.

Review sample courtesy of luckylogo.gif

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