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WHIF Eurofighter

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Here is my Revell 1/48th Eurofighter-

I have done a harrier and have an A-10 so didnt want to build a plain grey scheme so went for this WHIF -decals are from the kit and Model Allience Dragon Hawks

The kit decals were a pain - slid off in 2 secs in water and then wouldnt stick to kit so I had to use future to settle them down - the hawk dragon went on ok until I tried to make one last adjustment then I ripped one so had to hand paint the face

Paint is humbrol grey primer and Tamiya black- future for varnish and pro-modlers black wash.

dont know how long the pit will stay open as its very delicatly attatched and so cant see it lasting long







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Just picked a 1/48 one up today. Hobbycraft have them 1/48 Revell £13.99, and 1/32 Revell at £21.99. I'll be pleased if mine looks even half as good as yours when I finish it.


£22 for the 1/32 i know where im going tomorrow might even snatch both up at that price


Edited by RussTnailZ
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