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PJ Productions 1/48 Alpha Jet - In Box Review


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Hi all

I was lucky enough to have one of our own Brit Modelers, Rich Cullen be kind enought to grab one of the limited run, PJ Productions 1/48 Alpha Jets for me at Scale Model World in Telford last November. When the box arrived at my door I was very excited to get my hands on it and give it a good look over. The original photos on the net made this kit look very promising and PJ did not disappoint! The box is a bit small but then again, the Alpha is not exactly an F-14 Tomcat in size either!! Upon opening the box I was overwhelmed by the odor of fresh resin and mould release. I have had the kit for 45 days now and it still reeks!! LOL


Once the box is opened and poure out, I began by looking over the pieces and taking an inventory. The resin quality is first rate. The parts all have finely engraved lines with absolutely no moulding issues other than a couple very small bubbles and voids here and there. These "problems" only reall exist on the trailing edges of the wings and a couple of the thinner pieces and pose absolutely no problem to clean up and fill. I was doubly impress by the absolute lack of warpage that you sometimes get with a hollow cast resin fuselage. Here are a couple of shots of the plethora of resin parts included.



Also included ar TWO (thank you PJ) superbly rendered vac canopies......


.... as well as a nice little photo etch fret with instrument panels for both early and late, French and Belgian jets


Lastly you get white metal landing gear and wheels. The biggest letdown of the kit for me are the wheels. The mains seem clunky and the nose looks weird but until I get paint on them, it is hard to really tell


Oh, I almost forgot the decals! PJ provides markings for four aircraft:

1. Alpha Jet B, Groupement Ecole 314, 6e Escaudron, Tours France, 1985

2. Alpha Jet B, ETO, Cazzaux, 2007, French

3. Alpha Jet B, 9 Wing, Advanced Training School, Brustem, Belgium in the 1980s

4. Alpha Jet A+, 9 Wing, ETO, Cazaux, 2007, Belgium


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Here are some shots of the kit dry fitted and some close ups of some of the various parts. The kit has had ZERO trimming other than the few pour nubs on the fuselgae and is held together with Tamiya tape only. I am absolutely AMAZED at the fit and finesse of detail! I cannot say how impressed I am with this kit enough. It is a click fit!! I also love the fact that PJ gaveboth types of seats, a MB Mk.4 for the early and a MB Mk.10 for the later versions. I will also make a comment on the instructions if I may. They are quite comprehensive and very, very clear as to what one needs to do with each different version. Think Hasegawa with less clutter on each step. The wing fit is really amazing as well. The wings themselves are solid cast so no fretting about with two halves. They literally nearly click fit, same with the horizontal and vertical stabs. I also like how they did the lower fuselage insert. A quick swipe with the scalpel and the gear bays are oened up and you get a nice insert for the bays themselves. Anyway on to the pics!!










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Well there you have it. To say I am impressed would be an understatement. This kit is a winner on all accounts and frankly is quite possibly the best full resin kit I have ever owned (minus the Fisher Sea Fury). The fidelity of detail and attention given to each version, coupled with excellent fit makes this kit a must have if you like Alpha Jets!! Sell those old clunky ESCI kits as this one blows it out of the water!! My hearty congratulations to PJ Productions on a superb release. Some may be put off by the price but as a resin caster myself, I am in the unique position to know just how much rtv and resin costs as well as replacing worn moulds and tossing short shots etc not to mention research, development, PE , vac form and white metal costs. At the end of the day this kit is a bargain!!

Go buy one and support this company!! :)


Mike Reeves

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Pinch me!

Only whilst one is wearing rubber gloves!!!!


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And some more of the Alpha Jet.

Another French one, and a pointy nose Quintec one!



And the wrist is ok Mike thank you.

The bruise is coming out now so the wrist and hand are a nice purple and yellow shade. So hopefully (soon) I can get back to plastic tickling again.

Edited by daz greenwood
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Really good review there Mike, as you say it really looks like a top drawer kit :)

The only problem with it is that it's in Mike's top drawer, rather than mine <_<

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Very nice review, Mike, tahnks for that.

I hope you won't mind if I post those pics, from another review in a French forum:


Just to show that surprise is always possible with resin.

I have to say that the reviewer quickly solved the problem, without a bath in hot water, as the resin is thin and could be easily worked on:


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Quite a banana, that one, eh? :wacko:

Yes, but not a real problem in the end, that's the main thing.


And way better than what's happened to me this morning:

Opening a newly acquired wolfpack set for an IDF/AF F-16C block30/40 barak, I've found myself in front of an empty box!

Matter solved with my dealer, but that was a shock!

Sorry for the O/T.


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