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Airfix new MiG-15


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Now that's a nice model, those stripes look the part :)

How much is the new kit? Nice to see Airfix investing in new moulding. I built the original kit a few years ago and it was definately due for a re-tool. It wasn't until I saw a real Mig 15 in Cosford that I realised how bad the old kit was, it's still in my collection as probably my worst build ever!

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It was a real quick to put together. A tiny bit of filler was used where the parts were cut from the sprue gates. None was needed for the fuselage join or the wings to fuselage. I then sprayed the top half H63 Sand, then once dry I freehanded the stripes with some dark green using a new thin needle and nozzle courtesy of Little-Cars (thanks Paul!). Then when that was dry I masked out for the underside H33 Black. I gave it a couple of coats of Klear, applied the 8 decals then matt varnished it with Humbrol Mattcote, the stuff in the glass bottle.

Nice and simple!


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Tidy little Fagot, isn't it?

I have the old KP 1/72 MiG-15 somewhere in the stash - Im betting this one beats it. Go Airfix!

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Ayup Bri...

Canopy's a little wonky, Neh? Or is that the L.h. Undercart as we look at it?

Hopefully I'll bag one in a coupla hours...

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Ayup Bri...

Canopy's a little wonky, Neh? Or is that the L.h. Undercart as we look at it?

Hopefully I'll bag one in a coupla hours...

Hi Fea,

The kit did seem to be straight but my picture is wonky (head on photo, which isn't quite head on which makes the canopy look offset). The canopy was also a very good fit. There is a tiny hole and fairing on the nose which is off centre (on purpose) which I think also makes the kit look lopsided.


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Ayup Bri...

Canopy's a little wonky, Neh? Or is that the L.h. Undercart as we look at it?

Hopefully I'll bag one in a coupla hours...

I noticed the port leg does look a little long, too. I like the non-standard camouflage, and was surprised myself to learn that it was not unknown, if hardly common.

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The windscreen looks to be too big (on box art too). On the real plane the frame around the windscreen has metal around the centre bit and to the sides, so maybe painting it that way should help visually reduce the huge centre bit. Also, the instructions and the canopy piece miss the frame that goes lengthwise down the centreline of the sliding part of the canopy.

The panel lines are half-way between fine and Matchbox-style trenches - they are too wide and deep for a modern kit, and that shows on other recent 1/72 Airfix releases. Someone on this or another forum mentioned that these kits look almost identical to finished die cast models that can be bought in stores - most likely the molds have been derived from them.

Decals appear to be printed by Cartograf although it is not stated anywhere on them. They are very crisp, thin, in perfect register, with dense colours and matt surface. It seems Airfix have finally sorted the decal issue for their regular kits.

Edited by Vladan Dugaric
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They are very crisp, thin, in perfect register, with dense colours and matt surface. It seems Airfix have finally sorted the decal issue for their regular kits.

hoped they would be thinner than the Spit PRXIX decals which imho are far too thick.

the spits seem to have a comminality with the corgi releases but don't think there is a Mig 15

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Nice build and quick too! Really like the colour scheme.

Not to take anything away from your build but my first thought on seeing the side view was that the nose looks too long. I'm not one of these people who ovelays plans on photographs but the distance from the front of the canopy to the intake lip seems too great, which gives a the whole thing a 'rangy' look.

Any thoughts or am I talking out of my hoop?


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Nice build and quick too! Really like the colour scheme.

Not to take anything away from your build but my first thought on seeing the side view was that the nose looks too long. I'm not one of these people who ovelays plans on photographs but the distance from the front of the canopy to the intake lip seems too great, which gives a the whole thing a 'rangy' look.

Any thoughts or am I talking out of my hoop?


Saw one 'in the box' on Saturday Chris. I thought that when I first saw the photo's last week, but it doesn't seem to be the case. It may be down to photo distortion. The fuselage looked okay for length (to me anyway), but the intake lip is a separate component so whether that'll have an effect I cannot tell until I build one.

My only bugbear is the size of the mainwheels. I think Airfix have gotten them way too small, but hell, you can pick up an aftermarket set anywhere, or failing that, crib some from the KP kit. At this price, who's complaining? It's a pretty nice little kit all in all.

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I must admit I don't know much about MiG 15's and any errors in the kit I wouldn't really notice unless I had a scale drawing in front of me to compare it to, which I havn't. Still for less than six quid you can't grumble, although for some reason there are people who do! :who-let-rip:

I'd rather pay a few quid for a kit that generally looks the part and is enjoyable to build even if it has a couple of errors, then pay stupid amounts for resin limted run kits that may or not be much better.

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Ayup All...

I've Assembled most of my First one today. Gonna find some A/M Decs for a Chinese one !

One tip. Thin the IP down to fit the groove in the Fuselage properly, and open the gap across the tub into which it slots too, or much fun will entail. Especially if you prime it first... Once you're over THAT hurdle, then pass go and collect £200. It really is lovely. even just swabbing over New Hu56 over the wheel bay Detail puts a BIG smile on ones fizzog... you feel like the King Of Alclad.... B)

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