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Airfix 1/72 MiG-15 now available


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The kit is similar in quality to other recent Airfix releases (Spitfire Mk.IXc, Spitfire PR.XIX, Sea Harrier FRS.1, Sea Harrier FA.2). Nice kit, a little basic, heavy and wide panel lines, nice decals.

The only obvious error is the shape of the windshield which is too wide, it does not taper toward the lower edge (plus it lacks the metal strips that cover the lower edge of the side panels of windshield), and the lack of the longitudinal frame member down the centreline of the sliding canopy.

The plastic has satin texture (no orange peel effect). The intake has about 1 cm in depth and looks the part. The main gear wells have texture which is a little simplified but busy enough. Nose gear well is shallow but again has some detail to make it busy. Cockpit looks OK, but the sidewalls are flat (they should be curved - outside walls of the cockpit are the inside walls of the intake). The instrument panel and side consoles are given as decals, but they look convincing. Ejection seat is simple but nice. Exhaust is a bit crude with thick walls and could be either thinned or replaced with a longer tube. Decals are very nice, thin, crisply printed, with saturated colours and in perfect register. They look like either Cartograf or some other Italian decal company printed it (they are just like current Revell or Italeri offerings), but the decal printing company is not mentioned anywhere on the decal sheet.



















Edited by Vladan Dugaric
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The kit shows similarity to the old (and very good but crude) KP kit. KP has much more surface detail (raised) which looks accurate and convincing if only slightly overscale (but still fine). However, early Soviet/Russian jets were not left in bare metal - they were painted silver (similar to British high speed silver), and they were flush riveted and puttied so rivets would not be visible anyway. In this respect, Airfix kit is correct.





Edited by Vladan Dugaric
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Excellent review Vladan, many thanks. I'm waiting for mine to arrive with baited breath as the MiG-15 has long been one of my favourite aircraft. Looking at the parts breakdown, a 2-seater could be a possibility in the future.

It looks like I'll be able to swap over my MiG and Spitfire pilots too!


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Many thanks for the review Vladan, and for telling me the centre member of the canopy is missing. I've been looking at the boxart since they first posted it and thinking somethings not right but I couldn't figure out what!

Paul Harrison

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Ayup All...

Apart from thinning the IP 'flaps' massively to get them to key into their respective slots, and breaking the rear 'Parcel shelf' off, trying to get the dry fitted IP out, whilst trying to sort the dodgy fit, Things do fit quite well and snug when sandwiched together. but too much work, IMO because it affects the Cockpit tub alignment. Adding lead shot in PVA for nosewheel weight should shore up this arrangement further too.

The Decal for the Starboard IP shelf switches quickly curled up upon itself and became a roll of unusable :shit: , and so I'll be forced to use the spare out of my other kit. Airfix, your Decals are :shit::shit::shit::shit::shit::shit::shit: Get my Drift... ? That's why I'll have to spend extra on some reliable A/M chinese or N Korean ones...

One Day, Airfix will sort their poo-poo out... I wish...

Edited by Fea
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Ayup Bri...

Well, that's all i can report. I didn't do anything out of the ordinary. Or use any different materials to what i do normally. It just curled and twisted and that was it. I tried to unravel it in my Decal water in a deep bowl, but it stayed stuck.

The replacement went on with no trouble at all. and the Tub is installed... I'm ready to add lead shot after dinner...

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Ayup Bri...

Who Knows...? But I can always E-Mail Airfix for another set of IP/Cockpit Decals when I build the other one...

And at least I can use the stars for (what will be now) a N.Korean NMF Mig. I've found some lovely pics of a Defectors N Korean Mig 15 in a Museum. All I need now are some red Bars ! And I've also found some Colourful Chinese lettered ones, so one of those'll be on the cards (hopefully) when Mick Grant can take a commission or two next year...

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  • 5 years later...

Hmmm this one or the Eduard one?

Airfix: basic kit, heavy panel lines, crude details, suspect shapes. Costs around £8

Eduard: nicely detailed and moulded kit, delicate panel lines, nice details, good shapes. Costs around £9.50 in its basic weekend edition box

To be honest I would have no doubt in leaving the Airfix kit on the shelves. Actually I'd probably buy even the Hobbyboss kit over the Airfix one

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Airfix: basic kit, heavy panel lines, crude details, suspect shapes. Costs around £8

Eduard: nicely detailed and moulded kit, delicate panel lines, nice details, good shapes. Costs around £9.50 in its basic weekend edition box

To be honest I would have no doubt in leaving the Airfix kit on the shelves. Actually I'd probably buy even the Hobbyboss kit over the Airfix one

I've had two copies of the HB MiG-15, the bis and the UTI; in both cases the vertical tail was badly warped/bowed due to how the kit parts are snapped into the plastic retainer-pan.

Fixable, yes, but still very irritating - their Sabres don't seem to come with built-in fin issues. (Rant over)

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Apparently, the Eduard is better... but I'm not an MiG-15-Expert.


The Eduard depicts a MiG-15.

The Airfix kit does not. Not even close. It's not a case of suspect shapes, it's a case of 1.5cm or so of extra fuselage. The Airfix Fuselage is the length that the fuselage + tail should be. In other words, it's wildly mishapen and is in a lot of ways closer to a MiG-17 than a MiG-15. A pity since they did a good job everywhere else and it's inexpensive.

If you want a cheap MiG-15, the HobbyBoss Easykit is actually pretty decent.

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I've had two copies of the HB MiG-15, the bis and the UTI; in both cases the vertical tail was badly warped/bowed due to how the kit parts are snapped into the plastic retainer-pan.

Fixable, yes, but still very irritating - their Sabres don't seem to come with built-in fin issues. (Rant over)

Neither my UTI or my bis kit had any warped tail issues. Could well be different runs as that could be caused by not letting the moldings cool properly before removal.

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Has the jury reached a unanimous verdict which are the best (most accurate) drawings of the -15 ? I am aware of - in approximate order of appearance - Ron Moulton's for Aeromodeller, Rainer Gliss' for AvNews, Ace, 4+ (which I don't have) and those in Yefim Gordon's Aerofax book. The first two are ancient and possibly mix features of suffixless, bis's and licenced versions. Generally I'd go for drawings produced in a country where the actual hardware was built and/or used, so the latter three fit (certainly there have been a huge number I haven't mentioned from Russia, Poland and elsewhere). While they are apparently well researched, the drawings in the Gordon book somehow leave me cool - no datum lines, some slight "kinks" in outline, very few detail drawings. From my recollections, the Ace drawings are similar in some aspects of execution.

Any suggestions ? (I tried both google and site search but apparently both Mig-15 and MiG 15 are too short as search terms).

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