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After much frustration on Eurofighter Luftwaffe colours - all resolved on another post thanks to help on here - thought I would share the finished product, complete with the hardened aircraft shelter (HAS) diorama - all Revell Kit 04376.

The Eurofighter itself is very much straight from the box - with some Tamiya tape for seat belts a mixture of Revell, Lifecolor and Xtracrylix paint - all hand brushed (still havent plucked up the courage\money to invest in an airbrush)

The HAS and base were a different matter - the Revell 3 part base as supplied has, in my opinion, about half an inch missing joining the front 2 pieces (on the basis that each "square" should be just that - "square") - so after glueing the rear 2 parts as a butt join to an MDF base, the front most part of the base was glued leaving half an inch gap - which was then filled in with plasticard and "white stuff" - and the resulting smooth surface rescribed to match the rest of the base and runners for the doors rescribed too.

Lighting in the HAS was courtesy of 2 bulbs from some christmas lights - glued to the apex of the shelter - and then some spare copper wire ran through the base\hardboard to 2 larger copper wire terminals (allowing temporary connection to batteries)

The actual "curved" shape (semi circular in front view) of the HAS I chose to change after identifying that the Neuburg Luftwaffe station (which seemed to be the airbase with this particular type of HAS) - had grass covering the HAS. Deciding that grass can't grow on the vertical parts of the sides where it reaches the earth, using plasticard and white stuff again, the sides were "banked up" to allow the sides of the HAS to reach the earth at more of a 40 degree angle. (Hopefully the pictures make it clearer than my words).

The whole HAS was then "sown" with Hornby railway grass - 2 shades mixed together and deliberately made uneven to attempt to show growing rough grass.

The various airfield equipment - all straightforward enough - I didnt agree with all the Revell colour guides of all of these and used reference pictures as a guide for some ("towbar") and replaced the glazing on the tractor with clear plastic sheet rather than use the kit supplied clear "box" which fitted in the cab,

My overall impressions - the Eurofighter itself was a delight to build - and a nightmare to paint until I got the FS colour help on here

The HAS - well I understand its "underscale" and does not totally measure up in 1.72 - which probably explains why the main doors "stick out" more than any reference pictures I can find. Apart from that - never tackled anything approaching a diorama before and pretty chuffed with the result.

Onto the pictures .......









Some night shots courtesy of the HAS lighting....



Finally - to keep the whole think dust free - a clear perspex cover was made from some B&Q gardening perspex cut to size and glued at the edges using super glue.


And now - Im off to do something which needs no colour reference! and no Revell mixes! - An Airfix WW1 tank!


great work mate!!!

is the base a bit on the shiny side? or is just the flash from the camera?

I could claim that its a typical high level of German efficiency and cleanliness and didnt you know the Luftwaffe like a highly polished shelter floor :) - or I could admit that it probably needs matted down a bit. Its not so noticable in normal light - but the night shot did accentuate the finish too much


Lovely work there, and a fabulous touch with the shelter lighting :)


Fantastic! :clap: :clap:

I love the night shots as well and making a case yourself is pure genius! :worthy:



I must add my congrats on a great project. You've done an excellent job John. Colours look fine to me and as others have mentioned the lighting looks fabulous too.



Thanks for all the kind comments I've had on my efforts.

One question that's come to mind - does anyone have any recommendations for any figures which would be approproate for the diorama? I've always been put off adding figures to any kits because of my limited artistic abilities but might give it a go if someone knows of a modern groundcrew set which wouldnt look out of place on a modern Luftwaffe base (without major remodelling of the figures)?

Thanks, John

does anyone have any recommendations for any figures which would be approproate for the diorama? I've always been put off adding figures to any kits because of my limited artistic abilities but might give it a go if someone knows of a modern groundcrew set which wouldnt look out of place on a modern Luftwaffe base (without major remodelling of the figures)?

Thanks, John

Try these John



Personally, I perfer the Hasegawa figures (for RAF guys anyway) as the Italeri ones are a little large I think :blush:


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