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2 x 1:48 Airacobra's


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Inspired by Nicks' recent Airacobra project here, and two beautiful models by my good friend Hector, I finally decided to take a run at the superlative Eduard P-39/P-400. As I couldn't decide which one to build, I decided to build the two I had in the stash..... namely these two:-



The original idea was to build both completely OoB, but as I haven't got any Sutton Harnesses for the P-400, I have ordered a resin one with the appropriate British pattern belts from Ultracast. The P-400 will be Russian, from the first batch that went out, the P-39 will be a 'Q' flown by the 100th FS 'Tuskegee Airmen' - markings from the apparently very rare Aeromaster sheet AN48-798.




So far all I have done is to spray the insides Xtracolour X806 (RAL 6003 Olivegrun) then drybrushed with a slightly lighter tone of the same, then added a weak Paynes Grey oil wash. Next will be a little more dry-brushing and a wash of some light yellowish-green oils. Really enjoying this/these build(s) already and I haven't taken anything off the sprue yet !

Thanks for looking. As ever any comment, question or (constructive) criticism welcomed.


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  • 3 weeks later...





As you can see I really thinned down the wing trailing edges..... so thin, they managed to draw blood yesterday !

Thanks for looking, any questions, etc, welcome.


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  • 2 months later...

Looks good so far!

Let me give you a tip from my Eduard build: you need to glue a section of thick plastic card underneath the deck behind the cockpit. The Eduard fuselage bows out a little bit here, and unless you FIRMLY glue both sides of the back deck to both sides of the fuselage, you'll end up having a bad time fitting the rear section of the canopy. I know because I didn't do that, and had one hell of time getting the canopy installed!

Also: the infamous cockpit doors are not as bad as advertised--sort of. I got one installed closed with no trouble, the other wouldn't do that at all--no big deal, since I had planned one open door anyway:



Have fun with it! It's a real nice kit, as you're finding out.


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I had some serious distraction going-on. Two Hasegawa Bf109's and a Ju87 to be precise, not to mention the Hasegawa 1:32 Ki61 and some really important/difficult/serious exams in January to prepare for. :boom:

But be assured, they are still on the to-do pile and will both be finished, hopefully for the Cosford show in the spring - if there is one :whistle: - Thanks for the interest, chaps.


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But be assured, they are still on the to-do pile and will both be finished, hopefully for the Cosford show in the spring - if there is one :whistle: - Thanks for the interest, chaps.


I have had the Eduard kit on the go for ages. It's a lovely kit, so I cannot imagine why I have dragged my feet over it. Should be finished tonight :analintruder: . Just gotta do a little exhaust staining and it's done (after about a year footling about). Hope to get some pics up, providing I can get enough light.

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  • 2 years later...

Where did that time go ?? - When I started these two, my little boy wasn't even a year old, now he's three-and-a-half (nearly !). Finally dragged these two out of the depths of the 'Must get around to finishing that' pile (come-on we all have one of those :unsure:!) and onto the desk. Took some new photo's of the parts spread but didn't get time to upload them yesterday, then I re-commenced work.

I'll focus on one kit at a time; As I now have the Ultracast seat with a Sutton Harness, as mentioned in the first post, I'll probably focus on building the Soviet P-400 first, before the 'Tuskagee' Q. It's really odd, but as I'm typing this I can feel that same rush of admiration for such a marvellous kit, but that didn't stop me detailing the radio box with a couple of wires from 5amp fuse wires !! (I found the perfect photo for this in the Detail & Scale book).



So hopefully I can maintain the build this time, as they are sharing my workbench with a (stalled) 1:32 P-40, a 90% finished Huckebein, a 50% finished 1:48 Hunter and two yet to be started 1:48 P-51's for the STGB, space is a premium - but just this moment, enthusiasm is not !!

More soon.


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Had a couple of hours this afternoon, so got the seat finished for the P-400



and got the cockpit elements together - probably cannot see as I do not have a macro lens, but there's shed load of Eduard placards in there aswell.



Hopefully more progress tomorrow.


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Really got my teeth into these two now - Here's the results of another two-and-a-half hours work:

Cockpit all together



And then 'cemented' into place:



May be able to get a wee bit more done this evening, as Mrs. Ian is working (more) overtime.



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Here's a couple of general and close-in shots of the upper surfaces. Was really surprised and delighted that there are no gaps to speak of. Seen other on-line builds with some major fit issues... Lucky I s'pose :unsure:





Same with the undersides, no big problems:



Next-up, the sanding and filling. As ever thanks for taking the time to look. Happy to answer any questions, comments or criticism.


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Looking good.. Wait a second you are building two planes at once....thats talent right there in my book. Is this part of a dio then.


Well coming from you, Oliver, I will take that as a h*ll of a compliment :blush: - Not part of a diorama just two stand alone but related builds.

I simply wanted to build two 'extremes' of the Airacobra: A 'British' P-400, in this case one of the very few ex RAF machines flown by the Soviets, and a late USAAF P-39Q, I was simply lucky to find a decal-sheet for a Tuskagee machine that is quite colourful. Emphasising the differences will extend to the weathering and finish - The P-400 will be 'typically Russian' whilst the 'Q' will be relatively pristine.

Thanks for the interest.


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These are the sections where the Russian markings were painted-over the RAF ones: Hopefully it will end-up looking something like these by Gaetan Marie




Used Xtracolour enamels - RLM65 and the lighter of the two Vietnam greens.

More later this week.


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Nice work, Ian.

What's exactly your plan, concerning the hidden Brits markings?


In 1941 when the RAF passed-on their P-400's to the Soviets, they arrived, not surprisingly, in full RAF colours. The Russians simply painted over the roundels, 'sky' band and fin flashes with whatever they had handy - the standard light blue for the undersides and 'green' for the topsides. I'm simply replicating that, but putting the Russian colours on first - always easier to mask a circle from the inside than try to do it from the outside.

I promise it will all make sense as it progresses... maybe :unsure:

More soon.


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