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1/72 "What If" Westland Sea Whirlwind NF.6


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Hi All;

Recently posted on Hyperscale, but thought I'd share here too...

After much hacking, sawing, kit robbing, sanding, filling and swearing, I've just finished my first "What If" kit. I know some don't have much time for builds like this, but it was great fun and a welcome diversion. I've decided to call it a Westland Sea Whirlwind N.F.6 as I added a radar pod on the starboard wing to give the aircraft night fighting capabilities. I've opted for a time window of around 1950. The kit is the 1978 boxing of the Airfix 1/72 Westland Whirlwind. I do still need to add flame dampeners to the exhaust, but didn't have any in the spares box. These will be added when I get hold of some (Kindly donated set on route now!!). I also have yet to add a pitot tube...so it's nearly finished I suppose!!

I wasn't sure whether or not to post this in the WWII or Post War forum!

It's been a really fun build, and I hope you all enjoy it too. Any comments or criticisms welcome. I'm sure it would have been a horror to fly, but I think it looks quite cool! Why not try and spot what other kits I robbed to complete the build. Next on the workbench is another Whirlwind that will be built out of the box.

Anyhow, here's the photos. Please excuse the quality as I'm still getting used to the camera! The colours have come out a bit too bright, especially the reds.







The model was painted with a good old fashioned hairy stick and some very old paints...anyone remember these?...I'd forgotten how nice that old Gloy paint smells. Even the wife kept popping into the man cave to have a sniff!


Anyway, I hope you enjoyed looking at these as much as I enjoyed building this Whirlwind "What If". I have to do this again sometime!



Edited by fightersweep
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I think you *really* need to sign up over on www.whatifmodelers.com!

Criticisms? Bit too clean, no arrestor hook (unless this is a Navy operated land aircraft?) and no wire guard for the tailwheel.

They look like Griffons - hacked off a pair of Airfix PR19s, by the look of it. I would have went for the slimline Merlins and handed props of the Hornet. Obviously this is in a timeline where De Havilland was too overloaded with Mosquito and Vampire work to design the Hornet (as was very nearly the case here).

I can see a lot of Welkin in that. Now there's a thought...

Edited by The wooksta V2.0
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Thanks guys... :speak_cool:

Well, a final wash is still to be applied to dirty it up a bit (just waiting for some new citadel stuff to come through that I wanted to try first). The rear third of the vertical tail is robbed from the Hasegawa Hellcat, so the hook is there...just not very noticeable. I'm contemplating adding a hook along the lines of a DH Hornet. Tail wheel is retractable. I just have to add the recess and a couple of plastic card doors. It's nearly there, just not quite!

They are Griffons from the Spit Pr XIX. I went for them just because I'm a sucker for Griffons with five bladed props (they are handed). Merlins would have been more sensible, but I wasn't feeling sensible I'm afraid!

Thanks for the feedback!



Edited by fightersweep
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That looks great, hand painted as well, a man after my own heart! Love the big old Griffons on it, although I can't help wondering how much cooler contra-props would look........

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Saw this over on the Key forum, what an excellent build! Would have had one hell of a wing loading though- just think of the landing speed!

I particularly like the use of the FW190 canopy, gives it a much more "sinister" looks.

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Smashing! Not having bashed a kit around to make it look exraoardinary but this is inspiring.

Recognise the FW-190 cockpit cover. The fin looks a bit like a Gannet tail plane . Clearly, as has been pointed out, Griffon Spitfire motors. And some nice rescrining of the wings. Are they the original wings re worked as they look it? Main undercart says Hornet to me. Empty shell case chutes wouldn't be a bad idea.

Edited by Paul J
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The finlets do look rather Gannet-ish but Westland also put them on the Wyvern so fits the time period. The wings - outer panels look to have been widened and squared off but that looks about it.

A mate did an early Sea Whirlwind some years back, although in a wartime scheme and with Merlins.

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Thanks guys for the continued kind words and observations.

Shell ejector ports?? Damn! Why didn't I think of that! Something else to add!

Right, Here's the list.

Wings were simply shortened and squared off and then scribed.

Lower part of the tail is from the Hasegawa Hellcat, and grafted on two thirds along the vertical line of the Whirlwind tail.

Upper part of fin and rudder above the bullet is the end of a Hellcat horizontal stabilizer

Engines and props are Airfix Pr XIX

Undercarriage legs are Hellcat too!

Canopy is Airfix Fw 190D-9

Radar pod is Italeri F4U-5 Corsair

Wheels are aftermarket Hurricane IIc

Cockpit and flaps are scratch built

Fuel tanks are Frog Sea Fury

The finlets are scratch built but inspired by the Wyvern.



PS...Wooksta! I'll be in touch about the left over Spitfire bits!

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