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F-4C Phantom


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F-4C Phantom

Revell / Monogram 1:48


The F-4C was the first US Air Force version of McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom, arguably one of the most famous military aircraft in the world.

In an unusual move the USAF developed the F-4C from the US Navy F-4B helped in no small way by Robert McNamara's (The then US Defence secretary) push to create a unified fighter across the armed forces. All USAF F-4's retained dual controls as initially the USAF flew with qualified pilots in both seats. The F-4 Phantom in its various marks went on to score over 100 aerial kills in Vietnam, and served as late as the first Gulf war in 1991 with the USAF. The F-4 still serves to this day with the Air Forces of some countries, such as Japan and Greece.

The kit is a welcome re-release of The original F-4C/D model kit. The kit is copyrighted 1979 on the underside of the stabiliser like many old monogram kits were. I know I certainly made this kit in the late 80's. As befitting a kit of this age the kit has fine raised panel lines. However don't let this put you off as its a great kit, and so I am told dimensionally a very accurate kit. The kit, like a lot of these earlier kits, (The A-6 for example) has the ejection seat bases built into the cockpit tub. You just have to add the seat backs. The more adventurous may wish to remove them and add other seats.


The moulds seem to have held up well over the years as the kit has been periodically re-released, and I think I am safe to say that they have made plenty of money from this mould over the years, and it always seems to sell well. You get two sprues with the fuselage halves on, and 5 additional sprues containing the rest of the parts in mid grey styrene.


A full weapons fit is supplied of the centre line gun pod, 4 x sparrow missiles, 8 x sidewinders missiles (a small sprue of late model winders is supplied in addition to the kit early models), 2 types of ECM pod, and even a strike camera for the forward sparrow bay.


The clear sprue is supplied separately bagged (always good). The canopy is the traditional 4 part seen on F-4's and is very well moulded. The parts are very clear, however care will be needed removing them as they have wide sprue gates.


The star of this re-release though is undoubtedly the decal sheet.


The sheet is large in that it's very nearly A4 in size. You get two options both from the 58th Tactical Fighter Wing. These aircraft were painted with the so called "Candy Cane Stripes" to aid visual identification. Aircraft 63-7584 Flown by Brigadier Fred Haefner has the black stripes, and 63-7550 flown by Lt Colonel Barry Howard had the red stripes. There are enough stencils to cover one aircraft. Also on the sheet are markings for the weapons.

The decal sheet is glossy and in register.


Its great to see Revell re-releasing this kit as its getting hard to find, and builds up to make a great looking model. The inclusion of such a great looking decal sheet will help it sell even more.

Review sample courtesy of


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im currently doing the tiger meet boxset revell one with the mirage 2000.. the phantom i have is the one with the cameras in the nose (below and sides) ... not sure i want to do it german tho, might do it to go with my hawks, but its cracking so far :)

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