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DAK Vignette


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Here's the obligatory box(s) shot. I'll start with the 20mm, shouldn't take too long....


Yep, I was right to get to this point took just 45mins !



Will make a start on the Opel Blitz next. As ever all comments, criticism, questions and downright outrage is welcomed.


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A little more progress today. The chassis is coming together, whilst it was drying I attached the various bits'n pieces to the underside of the flat-bed and made a start on the cab. All just fitted-with-friction for these photos.




And here they are togeher just so I could 'measure-up' for the plinth.



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No, Keith, still as you see it in the last photo. I work twelve-hour shifts when I'm on watch, so far too tired when I get-in to do any plastic - I wont pick up as much as a pair of tweezers after work, not worth making a mess, simply because I think I should be doing something. Much better to work when you really feel like it, doncha think.

Probably get some work done at the end of this week - kids permitting !


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