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This is my subject for the GB, the Fujimis MiG-21 SMT in 72nd scale.

I choose a Soviet camouflaged plane, similar to aircraft depicted in the profile. I will use the Hi Decal Line sheet, and my exeplar carries a 17 red serial, instead of the blue 16 of the profile!!!



The box:


and the sprue shot:


It will be a OOB building, except for the decals and the ejection seat!!



Edited by Ale85
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The Fujimi kit is nice and builds up without any major problems.

Very true. A great engineered kit, easy to build...and that is a questionable model of the real thing for some people.

Shape issue: Nose too high, improper windshield and canopy lengths; wrong windshield framing

Real thing (modified Primeportal pic by Philip Homann): the transparencies are 'placed on top' of the fuselage, not 'embedded' in it

Real thing (modified Primeportal pic by Philip Homann): the canopy is longer than the windscreen

Model: Nose too high, windscreen longer than canopy.

Real thing (Primeportal, pic by Philip Homann): semi-elliptical glass frame is merged with the vertical frame

Model: no merge, like in a MiG-23 windscreen

Solution: add plastic inside the top of the fuselage halves so that the area in front of the windscreen can be sanded out. The rounded windscreen base can be sanded flat. The windscreen is shortened by sanding the vertical frame. Plastic card strip are added on the front and rear of the canopy. Since these will lenghten the canopy, the windscreen will be further front so spacers may be needed between the fuselage halves and strips added to horizontal canopy frames. Pic here.

Issue: Inaccurate airbrake positioning

The MiG-21 has three airbrakes, two front ones, a single rear airbrake. The rear airbrake may be locked shut in case there's a centerline fuel tank, GP-9 gun pod or recce pod installed. Only the front airbrakes are used then. The airbrakes tend to drop if hydraulic pressure drops.

In the Fujimi kit, the front airbrakes are not separated from the fuselage while the rear airbrake is. It should have been the other way around


If the airbrakes are to be deployed, cut of the front airbrakes and eventually use the airbrake provided in Eduard 72-091, 72-092, 72-093 and 72-094 OOP photoetch sets

I'm building a Zvezda MiG-21 bis but I cannot enter the GB with it as I intend to turn it into a Croatian MiG-21 bisD.

Edited by Laurent
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Mig-21..! Classic Sovietski a/c.......show us more..



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A little update: wings and tailfin assembled, all perfect!!!

Then i put them on the fuselage and i temporarly fixed all with the precious Tamiya's masking recicled tape!!!



Next step: painting the cockpit and all the details before fixing the fuselage!!!

Hope you like it!!!



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Construction almost finished...



Just a bit of putty between the fin and he "gobba" (sorry for the italian...) and between the fuselage and wings!!!

The photos are ben taked on wensday...today i take other pics of the Mig, and i think tomorrow or monday i can begin the painting process...



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Here there are better pics o my model: the construction part now is finished. I hve to chek all the assemblies and mask the cockpti, the wheel bays andother, then i can star the painting phase:



Today i buy the decal sheet from Hi-decal Line range


That's all!!!



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I've finally started to paint my little Fishbed!!! All colour used are Gunze sangyo's acrylic paint, thinned with pink alcool!

Fisrt step: the undersurface!! I used the H67 light blue


for the upper surface, first of all I gave a coat of H321 light sand


then the lightest green, H422




now the last step: the drjkest green for wich I used the olive green H405


all camo has been made free-hand except for the delimitation between upper and under surface.

Tomorrow..post-shading, future, decal and washing..



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Congrats, Comrade Ale..!

The Motherland is proud........!

Mig 21 Cheers,


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